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Who We Are

Conservative Friends of Small Business (CFoSB) is a not for profit membership organisation seeking to forge a stronger relationship between the nation’s small businesses and the Conservative Party.

Small businesses are the heartbeat of our communities across the country and need a co-ordinated platform to formally engage with the Party, helping to shape its direction and small business policies.

CFoSB's Mission

For Conservative Friends of Small Business (CFoSB) to be the voice and representative of small businesses, at the heart of the Party and its small business policies.

CFoSB's Core Aims


To provide opportunities for our Members to have their voices heard and to feed into the formation of new policies within the Conservative Party and at all levels of Government.


To provide a one stop shop for the building of stronger links and better engagement between small businesses, other stakeholders and the conservative Party.


To be invited to events, including at the House of Commons and Lords, where Members will be meeting with Ministers, MPs and other stakeholders and dignitaries.


To encourage our members to support the party through campaigning, fundraising and putting themselves forward to be candidates at all levels of National, Regional and Local Government. Especially women and people of colour who are under represented in politics.


To provide a platform for elected politicians, small businesses and the wider conservative family from across the nation to come together to network, learn from and support one another.


To use our website, social media activities and program of events to develop and disseminate best practice for small businesses within conservative council groups, elected bodies and other stakeholders.

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